AIA Embrace is our holistic wellbeing ecosystem of world-class programs and partnerships designed to support people’s everyday health and wellbeing at every stage of life’s journey.
We’re committed to helping more people live healthier longer better lives, now and in retirement.
Everything you need to help your members embrace better wellbeing
Whether your members are well
Find themselves unwell
Or they're recovering...
We’re proud of our shared value approach to insurance, and its role in delivering on our dream to champion Australia to be the healthiest and best protected nation in the world.
Support at each stage of your members
health & wellbeing journey
AIA Australia is a leading life, health and wellbeing insurance specialist and has been offering comprehensive wellness programs for over a decade. Driven by evidence, research, data analytics, and behavioural science, our shared value solutions are developed in collaboration with our partners.
Together, lets help your members embrace better health and wellbeing
When your members embrace better health, it's not only good for them and their families, but also good for society. In the long run, it enables us to invest more in making our products, programs and incentives better in order to help even more people, creating a healthier, more sustainable future for everyone.
Because everyone wins when we champion Healthier, Longer, Better Lives.