Making a whistleblower disclosure

Speaking up about misconduct or breaches of law is an important way to ensure that AIA continues to embody its Operating Philosophy of doing the Right Thing, in the Right Way, with the Right People.

How to make a whistleblower disclosure if you are not an employee

Who can be a whistleblower

You can make a whistleblower disclosure if you are not an employee of AIA. Under Australian Law, Whistleblowers may be:
  • our current and former employees, contractors, or business associates;
  • any current and former employee of a third party that provides AIAA with goods or services; or
  • a relative or dependent of any individual above. 

How can I make a protected Disclosure?

AIAA supports your ability to make Protected Disclosures in several ways, all of which are totally confidential:
By calling the AIA Ethics Line: You are welcome to report your concerns at any time (24/7, 365 Days) via phone by calling the AIA Ethics Line: 1800 763 983.
By using the AIA Ethics Website: You are welcome to report your concerns online by visiting the AIA Ethics Line Website:
  • When speaking to the above individuals, please raise from the outset that you are intending the disclosure to remain confidential, and/or you are intending to make a Whistleblower report.
  • Disclosures can be made anonymously and still be protected under the Corporations Act. You can choose to remain anonymous while making a disclosure, over the course of the investigation and after the investigation is finalised. 

How can I make a protected Disclosure?

Option 1: Anonymous Email

You can report anonymously by sending an email from a Disposable Temporary Email or Throwaway email address: 

Step 1 Use this Wikihow guide to set up a Gmail account, or this Wikihow guide to set up a second Yahoo address. Instead of entering your real first and last name during account set up, enter a pseudonym such as ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘Anonymous Employee’. Keep your login details in a safe and secure place. 

Step 2 Draft an email outlining your concerns, ensuring that you include the phrase “Anonymous Whistleblower Report” in the subject line. Send your concerns to the AIA Group Compliance email address email address

NB. Do not use your own personal email address, name, or include information that could lead to your identification

Option 2: Anonymous Phone Call 

The AIA Ethics Line are trained to receive your report anonymously. You may call at any time on 1800 763 983 and let them know you’d like to report anonymously. To enable following up on your report easily in future, we recommend establishing a pseudonym to report under. This enables you to call back in future and request an update on the progress of your report. 

Option 3: Anonymous Web Report 

Reporting through the AIA Ethics Website empowers you to report anonymously. It is recommended that you establish a pseudonym to ensure you can easily follow up on your report in future. 

Further information

Please refer to the AIA Whistleblower Policy for more information.