Frequently asked questions

We can provide personal advice or general advice, depending on your needs.
General advice does NOT take into account your personal goals, needs and objectives. Your consultant will explain the types of AIA Priority Protection and features to you and can generate a quote based on the type of protection you want.
General advice is provided at no charge to you. Please refer to our General Advice Financial Services Guide for more information.
Personal advice takes into consideration your personal goals, needs and objectives. Our financial planners can advise you in the following areas:
  • personal risk insurance
  • superannuation
  • investment planning, and
  • business insurance.
We can recommend products from a range of providers on our approved product list, prepare a tailored advice document for you, and help you implement that advice.
We charge a fee for preparation of your advice document. For more information on pricing, please refer to our Personal Advice Financial Services Guide.

The length of time for the advice process depends on the complexity of your objectives, goals and needs. However, generally, after you submit an online inquiry for advice, you can expect a call back from us within 1 business day.
If you are seeking general advice on AIA life or health insurance, this can be provided in one phone call.
If you are seeking personal advice:
  • After you submit an online inquiry for advice, you can expect a call back from us within 1 business day.
  • Your initial consultation with a financial planner, which is part of our ‘fact-find’ process, will take approximately 60-90 minutes.
  • Your advice document will take between 2-4 weeks for research and preparation.
  • Your advice appointment, at which your financial planner will walk you through your advice document and explain your options, will take approximately 60 minutes.

General advice on AIA life insurance is provided at no cost to you.
Our personal advice fees are scaled depending on the complexity of advice you are seeking. We pride ourselves on providing affordable, straightforward and quality advice for Australians.
Before providing personal advice, your financial planner will discuss the fees and payment options with you. These fees will be based on your individual circumstances, the complexity of your situation and the time it takes to prepare your personal financial advice.
Our personal advice fees typically range from $600 to $5000 + GST. If you direct us to make any amendments to your advice document an additional fee may be charged.
For more information on our fees, please refer to our Financial Services Guides for Personal Advice and General Advice.
Payments are processed in accordance with our Security Statement.

No, our financial planners do not work on commission. As employees, they are paid a salary and superannuation.
In addition, they are also eligible for discretionary short term incentives based on their performance against key performance indicators, values and risk goals. This generally does not exceed 40% of their salary.

The performance indicators do not include sales revenue and the short term incentives have no link to the commission received from product providers or the fee amount you may pay for the advice they provide.
AIAFW may receive commissions on life insurance products. The ongoing life insurance commission that AIAFW can receive will not exceed 33% per annum of the premium for level commission structures.
Any life insurance commission payments that AIAFW receive are not an additional cost to you.
AIAFW may receive referral fees on health products when AIAFW refers you to AIA Health Insurance. AIAFW may receive 20% of first year premium (as a referral fee) from AIA Health for health insurance referrals.
More detail may be found in our Financial Services Guide.

No. General advice is offered free of charge so there are no advice fees or lock-in contracts.
For personal advice, you only pay for the advice you need, when you need it.
In some circumstances, you may be offered the opportunity to enter into an annual service agreement if it may benefit you. This is an optional agreement which expires after 12 months with no lock-in contract or automatic rollover into another 12 month period.

If you are a former Commonwealth Financial Planning customer who transferred to AIA Financial Wellbeing, most of your personal details and product information was sent to us on 1 December 2021, so we can help service and support you moving forward. Should you need new advice, we may need to verify or update your details.
If you are a new customer, we’ll ask for your contact details (full name, phone, email address). Before your first meeting with a financial planner we’ll provide you with access to our customer portal where you can enter other information relevant to your financial situation and goals, such as income, superannuation, and any insurances and investments held. This information will be handled strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

No, it will be our pleasure to advise you no matter what your circumstances are, or which product/s you currently hold.

We provide general advice on AIA life insurance only.
However, if you are seeking personal advice, tailored to your individual circumstances, we have several product providers on our Approved Product List (APL), not just AIA. Our financial planners will make recommendations in your best interests, based on your situation, goals and objectives.

New customers: yes, you can review your investments and insurances, and update your personal details at any time via our customer portal. Initial login details are sent to you ahead of your first meeting with a financial planner.
Existing customers: yes, you can view your investments and insurances, and update your personal details at any time via our customer portal. To request access, please call us on 1800 434 044. After completing a quick security check, we’ll send you through your login details.