I think a lot of people think that living or behaving more sustainably is good for the environment, and that’s it. That the only benefit – although it is a very big one! – is that they’ll be doing a little less harm to the planet.
The thing is, living more sustainably, and living more in harmony with nature and the natural world, can do absolute wonders for your physical and mental health too.
As a species, we’re designed to be outdoors, we’re designed to move, and we’re hard-wired to thrive when we’re among nature and the natural world. But our modern lives have left us increasingly disconnected from all of it.
We spend more time indoors, more time looking at screens, more time disconnected from the natural world than ever – despite the fact that the science says we need the exact opposite of all of those things to thrive, to feel good, and in some cases even to function (did you know that 30% of Australian adults have a vitamin D deficiency? You do now!)
And being more sustainable is an exercise is developing a better connection with our home planet. It’s an exercise in caretaking, in looking after it, and in turn looking after ourselves. That might sound a little wishy-washy – but here’s what that looks like in practice.