Environmental exchange

Discover how a healthier environment can lead to a healthier you.

At AIA, we understand that human health and the health of the environment go hand in hand. We’ve created a new series, “Environmental Exchange”, with our AIA Vitality Ambassadors to share with you the small steps you can take to improve the health of the environment and your own health and wellbeing.

    Episode 1: Eco eating

    Episode 2: Best foot forward

    Episode 3: Seeds of change

    Episode 4: Emptier bins, fuller tummies

    Episode 5: Embracing mother nature

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The health of the environment has profound implications for our own wellbeing – and the time to act is now.

Let’s create a healthier environment for us all

We’ve teamed up with Tim Jarvis AM, Environmentalist, Founder of The Forktree Project and AIA Vitality Ambassador. As part of The Forktree Project, Tim’s planting thousands of trees to help reduce Australia’s carbon footprint. And you can help too, starting with small steps.