Supporting clients experiencing Chronic Pain through

26 September 2023 dot 3 mins read
Couple sitting near door

AIA has been supporting clients experiencing Chronic Pain through our Pain Coach Program since 2018.

40% of AIA’s Income Protection claims relate to Chronic Pain and our program integrates modern pain science research into practice with coaching and education to ensure the client is best placed to understand their pain, for improved wellness, life and work performance.

What is Pain Coach?

AIA’s Pain Coaching program is a five-session individualised coaching program that educates participants in pain and tissue healing and encourages them to re-engage with the kinds of activities they enjoyed pre-disability.
The program has been validated through our partnership with University of South Australia and Professor Lorimer Moseley and supports claimants who have been unable to work due to chronic and persistent musculoskeletal-related pain. The coaching sessions are delivered via tele-health – either online or over the phone – by pain specialised exercise physiologists.
Almost 2000 clients have participated in the Pain Coach Program since 2018 and they have seen an 85% improvement in function overall. 

Simple change for easier access

AIA clients are currently supported into the Pain Coach program through their Claims Manager and Rehab Consultant, however, as of October 2023 clients will be sent a text at the beginning of their claims journey, allowing them to self-enrol into the program. Providing the right support at the right time is important to us. When we conduct the same change in our Cancer Coach program, we saw a 30% increase in program engagement when clients were given the opportunity to self-enrol. We are now transferring these learnings to our Chronic Pain clients.
Pain Coach is part of our AIA Embrace ecosystem of world-class programs and partnerships designed to support your clients’ everyday health and wellbeing at every stage of life’s journey. It helps people live healthier, longer, better lives and supports your clients whether they are well, unwell or recovering. If your client becomes unwell, the sooner we can support the greater impact we can have. 

Pain Coach in action

Ian* is a 33 year old male who was working as a Machine Operator prior to ceasing work in April 2018 due to Lumbar spine (lower back) chronic pain and in 2021 underwent an L4-5 disc replacement, L5-S1 Fuse. Ian commenced the AIA Pain Coach program in January 2023 and from participating he reduced his pain by 40% and improved his function by 63%.

Ian was supported post Pain Coach Program into a Functional Upgrading program with a pain-specialised Exercise Physiologist and received support from a Rehabilitation Counsellor with how to safely return to suitable and sustainable employment. Ian is now working full time as a Tipper Truck Driver and reports that the Pain Coach Program made a big impact on his life being able to move and live again.
*Name changed for privacy reasons.

To learn more about AIA Embrace please speak to your AIA Australia Client Development Manager.