Putting customers first led to customers ranking us first!

24 October 2023 dot 2 mins read
Roy Morgan award - lady jumping

One of the standout features of the Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards is its commitment to acknowledging outstanding performers across diverse industries.

Roy Morgan has over 80 years’ experience collecting objective, independent information on consumers. Around 60,000 Australians annually complete the world’s largest ongoing single source survey. All companies who have a minimum of 100 customer responses in the period are eligible to be considered for an award.
The awards saw 40 winners across 40 industries, 14 of which were from the Finance sector. With winners including household names such as Virgin Australia, Apple iPhone, JB Hi-fi, Mazda and Bunnings, we are proud to say that we are in a list of well-known and respected brands.
We continue to strive for improvements, and accepting this award acknowledges that we are making a difference to the lives of Australians.
*We received this award based on satisfaction rankings from customers who originally purchased CommInsure (Ex-CMLA) product.  This award recognises that while the CommInsure (Ex-CMLA) product has experienced change over recent years, our continued commitment to supporting our customers is recognised and valued by them. 
Sandra Gallagher and Olivia Sarah-le Lacheur
Pictured: Sandra Gallagher (Left) and Olivia Sarah-Le Lacheur (Right)