AIA Vitality updates

30 July 2024 dot 3 mins read
Lady on partners back
Discover what's new from AIA Vitality including when the Apple Watch Benefit will be returning.
Earlier this year we let AIA Vitality members know that our Apple Watch Benefit would be on pause for a while. We're pleased to let you know that our Apple Watch Benefit will be back in early 2025! We'll be in touch with members later this year once we have more details to share.

AIA Vitality members who have an existing Apple Watch Benefit activated don't need to worry, there will be no changes to their current experience.

Get ready to Get Apple Watch, Get Active and Get Rewarded in 2025.
AIA Vitality members get 50% off six (6) HOYTS movie vouchers each month, including HOYTS LUX. From 1 August, an AIA Vitality members journey to purchase and use their movie vouchers will look slightly different, as we migrate to a new platform.

They'll be asked to enter their email address when they first log in to the new platform, but once they've completed that step, we will remember them in future.

On the new platform they'll now search for the movie, session, and specific HOYTS Cinema before purchasing their vouchers. 
We're excited to welcome new program partners Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF), and from 1 August, Red Balloon.

AIA Vitality members now have the opportunity to donate their weekly $5 Active Benefits rewards (up to $260 per membership year) to OCRF. And from 1 August they can spend their Shopping Rewards vouchers (up to $500 per membership year) with Red Balloon.