AIA Australia teams up with Ash Barty and Stephanie Gilmore to help Aussies champion their health and wellbeing

24 February 2022 dot 5 mins read
Melbourne, 24 February 2022 – Leading life, health and wellbeing insurer AIA Australia has announced that 2022 Australian Open ladies singles champion and Women's Tennis Association world number one tennis player, Ash Barty, and winner of seven World Titles, surfer Stephanie Gilmore, will take on new roles as AIA Vitality ambassadors. Both new ambassadors have voiced their excitement for supporting the insurer's mission to improve the nation's health outcomes and to help Australians lead healthier, longer, better lives.
"I'm excited to be joining the AIA family to help make a difference in the lives of Australians" said Barty. Gilmore echoed the sentiment saying, "It's fantastic to be part of the AIA team and to help them inspire Aussies to reignite their approach to health and wellbeing."
In the new All or Something campaign spearheaded by new world-class AIA Vitality Ambassadors Barty and Gilmore, Aussies will be coached to focus on the small somethings that will help them enhance their health and wellbeing. The campaign presents a refreshing opportunity to depart from the 'All or Nothing' approach when it comes to making positive lifestyle decisions. All or Something means giving a healthier option a go, rather than doing nothing at all – choosing that small something over the extreme, such as doing an extra 10 minutes of movement or drinking an extra glass of water each day.
AIA Australia CEO Damien Mu, said, "AIA Australia recognises that for many, making health-related decisions can seem overwhelming, particularly when healthy choices are often presented in a black and white manner – we're either on a diet or not, all in or all out.
"I'm thrilled to have Ash and Steph on board to help us in our mission to make Australia the healthiest and best protected nation in the world. Both are role models that all Aussies can look up to, and we can learn a lot about the small somethings that they prioritise every day.
"Science has proven that being consistently good is better than being occasionally perfect and that's exactly what our new All or Something campaign is about. All or Something represents the space in between the extreme and doing nothing, it's the decision to run for a few minutes and then walk for the rest of the way, or to choose a salad over chips when we go to the pub" said Mr Mu.
AIA Vitality Ambassador Ash Barty said that choosing to do the small things well had helped her to reach her goals and shape who she is today. "Having balance and perspective in life is key. I hope this campaign can highlight the practical way to approach health and wellbeing and all Aussies can get behind it - choosing that 'something' that is the healthier, better option is great, it doesn't matter if you didn't yesterday, one small something is always worth it," she added.
AIA Vitality Ambassador Stephanie Gilmore added that when it comes to health and wellbeing, it's better to be consistently good than occasionally perfect. "We need to refresh our approach to achieving positive physical and mental health. We can start with some small somethings that don't require a large amount of energy or planning, like going for a walk around the block after dinner or aiming for an extra serve of veggies. Making conscious small choices can have a big impact."
Mr Mu added, "Over the last two years, Australians have started to incorporate some small beneficial changes into their lives. We've heard people are prioritising a daily walk or are consciously trying to practice mindfulness. We don’t need to be discouraged if we don't manage to do these things every day, a series of small steps can still lead to a new destination – we have it within ourselves to champion our health and wellbeing."
The All or Something campaign is the latest innovation driven by AIA Australia as it raises awareness and dialogue about non-communicable disease prevalence. Far from being simply a 'payer of claims', the life and health insurer is partnering with its customers, and the Australian community more broadly, empowering them make lasting, healthy choices that will see them thrive.
To celebrate the All or Something campaign, AIA Health is offering eligible customers up to $900 cash back over the first three years of their policy if they join before 31 March 2022. Customers will receive $300 cash back for the first year, and if they focus on their small somethings and achieve a Silver or higher AIA Vitality status, they can receive up to $300 back each year for the next two consecutive years1.
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Media contact:
Camille Hanton
Bastion Amplify
0431 180 475
Caroline Roe
Bastion Amplify
0432 560 403
About AIA Australia
AIA Australia is a leading life insurance specialist with 50 years' experience and a commitment to help Australians live healthier, longer, better lives. In 2014 the company launched AIA Vitality, a world leading, science-based health and wellbeing program, to the Australian market. In July 2017, AIA and its partners launched AIA's health insurance business, now known as AIA Health Insurance.
In 2021, CommInsure Life was integrated into AIA Australia. The lives of more than 3.8 million Australians are protected and enhanced through AIA Australia's unique value proposition of life, health and wellbeing. Our vision is to embrace shared value in championing Australia and New Zealand to be the healthiest and best protected nations in the world.
AIA Australia has been recognised with multiple awards, including the Women in Finance Employer of the Year Award (2018, 2019), Super Review's Best Insurer of the Year (2018, 2019), FSC Life Insurance Industry Awards Innovation in Group Life Insurance (2021), Shared Value Awards Corporate Organisation Leading Through Shared Value (2019), Shared Value Awards Organisation of the Year (2020) and Shared Value Project of the Year (2021).
AIA Australia's 5590+ report
In the second half of last year, AIA Australia released its 5590+ report which highlights how five individually modifiable behavioural factors – physical inactivity, poor nutrition, smoking, excess alcohol, and our interaction with the environment – lead to five major non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – cancer, diabetes, respiratory disease, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health conditions and disorderswhich are responsible for over 90 per cent of deaths in Australia. As part of its work to address the prevalence of these mostly preventable diseases, AIA Australia wants to empower Aussies to introduce some small somethings to help reduce their risk of chronic illness.
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Copyright © 2022 AIA Australia Limited (ABN 79 004 837 861 AFSL 230043). The information in this article is current at the date of issue and may be subject to change. This is general information only, without taking into account factors like the objectives, financial situation, needs or personal circumstances of any individual and is not intended to be financial, legal, tax, medical, nutritional, health, fitness or other advice.