Yet, for some clients, it can be a set-and-forget purchase, meaning over time, they may be paying for cover that no longer suits them.
This is why it's important to include a health insurance review when you connect with them - checking to see if their health insurance cover reflects their current situation and is providing the best value, especially if they have changing family needs.
We've made offering a Health insurance review with AIA Health easy for you and your client:
- Share the AIA Health flyer with your clients to show them the benefits of AIA Health and potential multipolicy discounts across their AIA policies.
- Refer your client via the 'Health Portal' which is located on the AIA Adviser Portal
- We'll provide an obligation-free health insurance review at a day and time that suits your client.
- We'll take care of the paperwork to switch from another health insurance provider and honour waiting periods served on the same service with a previous health insurer, so your client is covered right from the start.
- You'll receive a referral fee of 20% on the first year's premium (plus GST), paid to your licensee once your client's policy becomes financial.