Rehabilitation success story – Meet Andrew!

26 March 2024 dot 2 mins read
When an unexpected injury or illness occur, often times people begin to worry about what's next. 
Clients may wonder if they will I get better, will they be able to return to work, or how will they support their family. And while a claims payout may help alleviate some of these queries, can more be done?
This is where our rehabilitation services play a big role, and we know the sooner someone engages in our services, the better chance they have in taking back control. This may be in the form of getting back to some level of improved health and mobility, or returning to work which evidence shows can help in reducing depression, isolation and improving physical and mental health.[1] 
Meet Andrew!
Andrew* a 65-year-old male, ceased working as a self-employed Management Consultant due to depression and anxiety from work stress. When speaking with AIA, Andrew expressed that although he was still very emotionally impacted, he enjoyed working and was interested in exploring other work opportunities. He just didn't know how to go about this.
At the time of referral, Andrew was seeing a psychologist fortnightly and was finding this helpful in understanding his symptoms. He had an active family life, was exercising regularly and learning Spanish, and although owning his business would be too strenuous, he reported he was a 'worker' and missed having meaningful activity in his life. A referral was made to one of our experienced Rehabilitation Providers and together, they began exploring suitable job goals and working on Andrew's resume, cover letter, job applications and interview preparation whilst he continued to receive psychological treatment.
It was a slow but steady process as he navigated his way through different job opportunities until he finally found the perfect fit, and successfully obtained work as a CEO. The Rehabilitation Consultant monitored his return to work for a month and at closure of her services, Andrew reported high levels of job satisfaction and that he was very happy in the new role. 
He provided the following feedback about the rehabilitation services provided:
"(Rehabilitation Provider) was excellent. Knew exactly where I had been emotionally, was straight talking, and very helpful in getting my CV in order. (She) provided the tools required to help me find a new position. I don't think I could have done it without her input."
If you would like to find out more about our Rehabilitation services, please reach out to our team.
*The name in this story have been changed for privacy purposes.